Category Cold Press Juicers

Omega J8228C Cold Press Juicer


Omega J8228C Cold Press Juicer Omega Products was established in 1985 by Robert Leo and was known as Olympic Products until 1987. The brand is known for manufacturing top-quality juicers that help you keep your health in check and are…

Medical Medium Cold Press Juicer

medical medium

Omega Medical Medium Cold Press Juicer… If people knew all the potent healing properties of celery juice, it would be widely hailed as a miraculous superfood. Celery has an incredible ability to create sweeping improvements for all kinds of health…

Omega Cold Press Juicer


Omega Cold Press Juicer – Make it Healthier What is a Cold Press Juicer ? Cold Press Technology is a hydraulic press which uses pressure to separate the fibre, vitamins, nutrient parts of fruits, vegetables, Leaf, seeds, nuts Like Almonds,…